With $10 you can pay for supplies for our outdoor projects. This includes work gloves and goggles that will be used at least twice per semester!
With $20 the chapter would be able to reimburse members to items to fill about 2 boxes with toys, stickers, crafts, and more for children with terminal illnesses in the hospital!
With this money, the chapter can help fund a fellowship! In the past, we have tie-dyed, knitted, and painted together! All these require supplies!
This money would be enough to pay for gas to get our brothers to and from the Boston Marathon! We have been participating as volunteers at the Boston Marathon for about 10 years and, though we carpool, it is a long drive and we want to repay our drivers!
$100 is enough to send at least 3 brothers to banquet for free! Banquet is a time where the entire brotherhood dresses up, goes to a nice hall, and has a nice buffet together while celebrating specific individuals that have done a lot of the community and the chapter. We want all brothers to be able to attend and would hate for someone to not attend due to money constraints.