About Us
Paperbark is a print and electronic-based literary magazine, published annually, with a focus on the environmental humanities, sustainable living, and the promotion of literary and fine arts.
Published through the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, the magazine is a platform for conversations around the currents of contemporary culture through the lens of sustainability, with themes ranging from climate change, policy, and science, to the meaning of place and the value of creative expression.
As graduate students, the opportunity to create a magazine from the ground up is a unique and enriching experience. Paperbark allows its staff, supporters, and contributors to be change makers in their communities by forging connections between sustainability and creativity.
In a time where climate crisis and political unrest are increasingly relevant, we believe that grassroots efforts like Paperbark are embodying resilience in the face of chaos. Your contributions will help us to secure longevity for the magazine and allow us to use Paperbark to engage its community in these important discussions.
You are part of that community. Please join us in championing sustainable art by supporting us today.
Your Donation Will Help Support
Community Engagement
Arts & Science Collaborations
Printing Issue 02
Staff Support
Sustainability Initiatives