The foundation to the start of a great rally always begins with a pass from the back row players. We are asking you to support us and get us started, just as the passers do, with a donation of $10 and everything helps get us to Nationals in Kansas City!
The fabulous setters are the second touch after the passers, where they send amazing sets to the hitters in order to get the kill to the opposing team. Show some support for our quarterbacks of the team by donating $20!
Help us KILL the competition at Nationals by donating at this level. Our hitters consistently dominate at the net, and with a $45 donation from you, we could take charge of the court in Kansas City!!
ACE the competition by donating $100! Aces are the quickest way to end a point from a server, so help us reach our goal just like we win points through aces by donating at this level.
This doesn't often, but when it does, the crowd goes wild! Make a libero's special pancake pass to keep the rally going noticed by donating $150 to this level.
Nothing like a game-winning point to end out a tough opponent, just as we did in our final playoff game against Lafayette, where we won our whole bracket! This was our last tournament of the semester, and it would help our team so much with a donation at this level to help us win when we travel to Nationals!