Department of Philosophy

Thanks for your interest in supporting the Department of Philosophy at UMass Amherst. Every single gift makes a real difference to us. 

Department of Philosophy

You can choose to donate to the Department Gift Fund, to the Gary Matthews Endowment Fund, or to Question Everything, our new philosophy summer program for high school students from low-income families.

Donations to our Department Gift Fund go towards supporting philosophy events, especially for our graduate or undergraduate programs. Donations to the Mathews Endowment support the Matthews Lecture which the department established to honor our former colleague, Gary Matthews. Donations to Question Everything support the Department's outreach efforts to the surround community, especially Springfield and Holyoke.

Mail-in gifts are also welcome. 

Please make your check payable to 'University of Massachusetts Amherst,' denote the specific fund you'd like to support in the memo line of your check and mail it to:

Records and Gift Processing

Memorial Hall

134 Hicks Way

Amherst, MA 01003-9270