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Memorial Hall Renovation - A Century in Service

Support the renovations of this campus icon today.

“We will keep faith with you who lie asleep”

With the end of World War I months away, the clouds of war remained over Europe. Yet, many miles away in Amherst, students and alumni were taking stock of their friends, classmates, and soldiers. How best to remember them?

Alumni were invited to envision a campus building to honor those who served – while also serving those who lived. The vision for Memorial Hall was soon born: a structure that would stand in remembrance of those lost and become a vibrant hub of campus activity. The building opened its doors to students, alumni, and the public in 1921 and stands in honor of all those who served and gave their lives in support of our country. Read more about Memorial Hall here – Memorial Hall Celebrates 100 Years 

We are excited to announce the Memorial Hall Renovation Fund. Once restored, Memorial Hall will remain devoted to honoring those who served and continue as the home for the UMass Alumni Association and UMass Student Alumni Association. Your gift will provide faculty, students, and alumni access to this honored campus building and continue to, as inscribed on the building “keep faith with you who lie asleep.”