Hi all valued supporters!
Thank you again for your contribution to last year's Minutefund! Last year’s success was essential to the survival of our paper, and it is all thanks to donors like you.
I wanted to send an announcement that we have 3 days left of this year's Minutefund campaign and we’re still 40% from our goal! This year, now that we aren’t facing the burden of past debts, we are focusing on growing our sections and creating the best Collegian community that we can.
If we hit our fundraising goal of $8,000, we will be able to…
Build a state of the art podcast studio for professional multimedia content
Send sports reporters to championships, as well as arts and news reporters to events
Apply to journalism awards to increase the prestige and professionalism of the Collegian
The Daily Collegian has been the voice for UMass students since 1890, and with your donations this year, we can finally thrive and grow as a digitally advanced paper and continue to touch the lives of the community we cover.
Your support means so much to us, and helps to keep student journalism alive.
If you would like to donate please contribute to this year's link (https://minutefund.umass.edu/project/37224).
Thank you,
Leigh Appelstein, Business Manager, Class of '23
Hello all Journalism Supporters!
The Daily Collegian has already reached 70% of our MinuteFund goal of $7,500.00! We are overwhelmed with the amount of support we have received in nearly 2 weeks of this campaign, we couldn't have gotten this far without you.
We still need your help in reaching our goal! Please continue to donate and share our fundraiser on social media throughout the month of April. Get excited for UMass Gives where we will be targeting to get the most donors in Power hour 6 April 29th at 11am.
Thank you,
Daily Collegian Staff!