NEW GOAL: We received an amazing and very generous gift from an anonymous donor which put us over our initial goal, and so we're aiming a bit higher!
For the third year in a row, a generous anonymous donor has pledged a 2-to-1 match for Bright Leaf, UMass Press’s imprint for books about New England.
That means that every single dollar donated to our Regional Books Fund by October 14 will become three dollars! If you give $100, the Press will receive $300. Your gift will allow us to advertise our titles throughout New England and will also enable us to keep prices affordable. Please make your donation to support terrific books about New England.
Focused on New England’s history, culture, environment, and peoples, Bright Leaf books entertain, edify, and delight. They are an important part of the mission of the University of Massachusetts Press, which for nearly six decades has been publishing highly readable books that reflect the vibrant and diverse intellectual life on our campuses, in our region, and around the world. Today, your support can sustain this legacy. Please make your donation to support terrific books about New England.
Thank you for supporting UMass Press and Bright Leaf!