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Our Neighbors, Our Languages. UMass Amherst Translation Center

Raised toward our $25,000 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 30, at 09:17 AM EDT
Project Owners

Our Neighbors, Our Languages. UMass Amherst Translation Center

Massachusetts is home to speakers of many languages other than English. Situations arise where they are in need of language services, whether they have been in the country for years or days. Living a multinational, multilingual life means needing spoken-language interpreters, document translations, or education on language rights. 

For over forty years, the UMass Amherst Translation Center has been a regional, national, and international resource for individuals and organizations seeking these services. Quality language services are a significant expense, especially for refugees, evacuees, and immigrants. The Translation Center is collecting funds to provide professional language services to individuals in our state who need them, but cannot afford their cost, and to organizations that support speakers of languages other than English with very limited resources. All funds raised are used solely to compensate the language professionals who make these services possible.

Allowing individuals to communicate in a language they can fully understand is not only an effort toward greater accessibility, equity, and inclusion but also a celebration of the diversity and welcoming spirit of our state.

Choose a giving level


A ten dollar gift

covers the printing and distribution of a language access resource


A fifty dollar gift

covers half of our minimum service fee


A one hundred dollar gift

covers minimum service fee


A two hundred dollar gift

covers interpreter fee for most meetings


A five hundred dollar gift

covers interpreters’ and related services fees for most multilingual events


A $1,250 gift

covers most language access education workshops


A $5,000 gift

covers most language access education workshops and consultation


A $17,000 gift

covers comprehensive language access services, planning, and education for a partner organization