Thanks to all those who supported us!
We are the UMass Supermileage Vehicle Team, a group of students with the goal of building a completely unique vehicle with one single purpose, get the best fuel economy possible!
We ask the question: If you had nothing other that gasoline to power your vehicle, how fuel efficient could you make it?
We compete in an annual competition against dozens of other school from around the world to answer this very question. By donating to our team, you will help us pay for travel expenses to and from the competition in April, as well as materials, tools, and other expenses.
About the Vehicle
The current SMV vehicle features an ultra-light carbon-monocoque body designed, molded, and hand-laid by UMass students. Our primary engine is a heavily modified Briggs&Stratton Junior 206 that we have outfitted with a smaller piston and converted to an overhead camshaft. This year's vehicle will feature an onboard telemetry system to track vehicle metrics on-the-go, such as real-time fuel consumption data and optimal speeds.
About the Team
The team was founded in 1995 and has historically competed in the SAE Supermileage Competition. This summer, the SAE competition announced that it would no longer be hosting the event, so the team is looking towards competing in a new league, the Shell Eco-Marathon. With this change comes a number of rules changes that we must adapt to, and that is the primary focus of this year's students. Our team has historically been able to achieve 1152mpg in competition. This year, we are aiming to beat our own record and achieve a MINIMUM of 2000mpg!
Your donation will directly assist us in our project!
Follow our progress on Instagram: @smv_umass
Thank you
The brains of it all! You allow the vehicle to communicate with the driver and the team.
Our vehicle rides on three competition bicycle tires. You are what enables the car to move!
In last year's competition we used a Briggs 206cc Go Kart Engine that we sleeved down to 74cc with a Honda dirt bike cylinder head. You're the life of the vehicle!
You ARE the Supermileage Vehicle! Lets WIN this! With this donation, you can submit a name, logo, or design to be featured on the vehicle.