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Protect Our Breasts Safer Future Field-Study Scholarship

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
26 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Thank you!

March 13, 2015

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our See a Safer Future Campaign so far! Thanks to your generous support, we were able to travel to Expo West in Anaheim, California this past weekend! We met with industry leaders who can see the future clearly and are committed to providing safer products. We spent time at Expo working with these companies on future promotions, thanking them for their past support, and learning more about sharing with our peers about safer natural products. 

Our newest Protect Our Breasts Executive Board member, Erin Messier, wrote a blog about her first Expo experience- check it out!

Keep an eye out for our post-expo video that we will be sharing next week!

Once again, we would like to thank you for your support. By donating to this campaign, you are ensuring that Protect Our Breasts students will always be able to attend Expo - to share your values with our peers and to become leaders in the industry that sees a safer future.

Expo West 2015

March 16, 2015

Check out our See a Safer Future video from Expo West 2015! Thank you to everyone who made our trip a success! 

One Week Left!

March 26, 2015

There is only one week left in our See a Safer Future Campaign! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to us so far. We are over 80% of the way there and are on track to meet our fundraising goal of $4,000. This week is our final push!

Our Founder, Cynthia Barstow, wrote a blog post today about the importance of funding our educational trips to Expos (East and West) and this campaign. You can read it here: 

We are asking brands who we have worked with in the past to spread the word about our final countdown of the campaign! We are also asking YOU to please reach out to any of your contacts that would be interested in supporting Protect Our Breasts. You can Repost or Retweet our latest campaign Instagram post!

Thank you for all of your support. We appreciate your dedication to seeing a safer future, one without breast cancer!

We Did It!

March 30, 2015

Over the weekend we exceeded our campaign fundraising goal of $4,000! Thank you to everyone who donated and helped us meet this target. With your generous contributions we will be able to send the next generation of leaders to the Natural Products Expos (East and West) next year. These trips are crucial to meeting the companies that are dedicated to keeping endocrine disruptors out of their products and packaging and sharing their safer alternatives with our peers. 

We love travelling to Expos and take away so much from these experiential learning opportunities. Thank you for making this possible for us. We deeply appreciate your committment to our mission and hope for your continued support in the future.

The campaign officially ends on Thursday!


Mary, Kelsie, Alysse, Lia, Natasha, Erin, Keely and Bianca

Campaign Conclusion

April 20, 2015
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.
Choose a giving level


Support Field-Study

Your gift will help us with general travel expenses.


Seed Field-Study

Your gift will help us with general travel expenses and contribute to our future travels.


Half Field-Study

Your gift will contribute to half of the cost of a student’s field-study.


Full Field-Study

Your gift will cover the full cost of a student's field-study.


Leadership Scholarship

Your gift will significantly help send the next generation of leaders on their journey to expo.