UMass Supermileage Vehicle 2024-2025

Raised toward our $6,000 Goal
36 Donors
days left
Project ends on March 24, at 03:36 PM EDT
Project Owners

Mass Mileage; The Former UMass Supermileage Vehicle Team!


We are the signature design team at UMass Amherst.

We work to answer the question: How efficient can a gasoline-powered vehicle possibly be?

Our vehicle is tested on the Indy 500 track during the Shell Eco-marathon on April 2-6. 

By donating to our team, you will help us pay for travel expenses to and from the competition in April, as well as access to tools and materials.

About the Vehicle

The current supermileage vehicle features an ultra-light honeycomb carbon fiber reinforced monocoque body that was designed, molded, and hand-laid by UMass students.  It is powered by a 50cc Honda four-stroke engine and drives at about 20 mph.  We are currently working on building a new front axle and chassis dyno, as well as redesigning the drivetrain and fuel injection system. This year's vehicle will feature an onboard telemetry system to track vehicle metrics on the go, such as real-time fuel consumption data and optimal speeds.

About the Team

The team was founded in 1995 and has historically competed in the SAE Supermileage Competition, which was discontinued last summer. Right now, the team is working to comply with the rules of a new competition, the Shell Eco-marathon.  

The current UMASS record is 1152 miles per gallon in competition. This year, we are aiming to break 2000 mpg!

We will greatly appreciate your donation!

You can follow our progress on these pages:


Instagram: @smv_umass

LinkedIn: UMass Supermileage Vehicle

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Nuts and Bolts

The little bits that hold the vehicle together!


The Toolbox

Can't put a vehicle together without the proper tools!


Raw Materials

Aluminum, carbon fiber. You are the foundation of this vehicle!


Electronics and Sensors

The brains of it all! You allow the vehicle to communicate with the driver and the team.


The Three Wheels

Our vehicle rides on three competition bicycle tires. You are what enables the car to move!


The Brakes

You're a key component in keeping our driver safe and sound!


Fuel Injection System

With the change to the Shell EcoMarathon competition, it is required to use an electronic fuel system with the aid of a standalone ECU. Your donation will directly go towards the heart of the vehicle!


The Engine

In last year's competition we used a Briggs 206cc Go Kart Engine that we sleeved down to 74cc with a Honda dirt bike cylinder head. You're the life of the vehicle!



You ARE the Supermileage Vehicle! Lets WIN this! With this donation, you can submit a name, logo, or design to be featured on the vehicle.