2025 Club Gymnastics Nationals

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
15 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 05, at 01:29 PM EDT
Project Owners

UMass is headed to Nationals once again!!!

UMass Club Gymnastics is a student-run organization and a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Gymnastics Clubs (NAIGC). We bring together a variety of levels from beginner to advanced to share our love for the sport of gymnastics. Last year with your support, we were able to make it to nationals in Albuquerque NM and had a wonderful experience. This year, we are thrilled that our team has doubled in size, and are excited to bring 20 gymnasts to Pittsburgh, PA to attend our third nationals. We have had outstanding performances at our meets this season so far with our diamond team winning 1st place at 3 competitions and are very much looking forward to sharing our gymnastics on the national stage. 

We are trying to raise $5,000 to help offset registration, transportation and lodging costs. It is important to us that we cover as much of the club fees as possible and your donation will go directly towards our nationals efforts and possibly an end of season banquet. Any donation big or small is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Choose a giving level


straight jump

start off nice and simple


forward roll

do a roll!



step it up with a handstand


back tuck

stick a back tuck!


gold medal

you win!


Perfect 10!
