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The world needs researchers, leaders, and innovators who are willing to take bold steps and pursue exciting paths of discovery. Commonwealth Honors College supports UMass Amherst students in the campus’s full range of majors to think broadly and delve deeply into their academic passions. Your contribution to Commonwealth Honors College provides access to an honors education that includes interdisciplinary seminars, a living-learning community, and honors thesis experiences for students from all walks of life.
Your gift to Commonwealth Honors College Community Scholarships provides scholarship funds for students with unmet financial need, with preference for students who are the first generation in their family to go to college and/or are underrepresented on the UMass Amherst campus. Each year more than two hundred students with unmet financial need and outstanding promise benefit from scholarships funded by generous donors to the Honors College.
Your gift to Commonwealth Honors College supports a wide array of initiatives that enrich the student experience, including grants to help students complete their honors thesis research, study abroad funds, long-standing favorite programs like Pizza and Prof Nights, targeted workshops, and visiting speakers.
Thank you for being part of our diverse and inclusive community of bold ideas, boundless passion, and academic excellence.