$25 will go a long way toward covering the transportation costs for most guests speakers living in the New England area. Please consider a donation in this amount to help our guests get here.
A particular focus of Fridays at Four is connecting our students with alumni just a few years out of school to learn to navigate the college-to-career transition. Help us bring young alumni back for panel discussions on this topic.
Many of the people we invite come from far enough away that getting home the same night of a talk is sometimes impossible. Being able to offer them a room at the Hotel UMass helps turn those maybes into yeses when we invite speakers.
The top professionals in our field don't come for free. Your donation of $250 helps us secure speakers like artistic directors of major theaters.
Pay for everything! A donation of $500 covers all costs associations with one speaker: transportation, accommodations, speaker fees, hospitality and associated expenses.