Hi all, Paperbark MinuteFund 2019 has been successful because of people like you all who have continued to support us. This is a notice that today is the last day to donate, and we didn't want you to miss out on an opportunity to participate. All proceeds for this campaign will go toward funding sustainability initiatives, community engagement, printing, staff support, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The link to this years project is below:
Thank you!
The Paperbark Staff
Dear friends of Paperbark,
We want to thank you sincerely for your ongoing commitment and connection to Paperbark. Your support has helped to make this magazine a reality. We wouldn't be here without you.
This year is a new year full of exciting projects coming down the pipeline. We are enthusiastically putting together Issue 02: Resilience, participating in sustainability efforts, and hosting community engagement events.
Tomorrow March 20, 2019 at 9am EST, we are kicking off a new MinuteFund campaign and we wanted you to be the first to know. Please consider donating this year! You can find our Paperbark 2019 MinuteFund here: https://minutefund.umass.edu/project/14989
We greatly appreciate your support in helping us continue doing the work that we do. Your donation supports the continuance of Paperbark as a space for conversations around sustainability and a place where creativity becomes a tool for community engagement.
Thank you,
The Paperbark Staff
Dear Friends of Paperbark,
We are just over $250 away from meeting our $5,000 goal, so we have decided to extend our campaign until Monday in search of 10 more donors who can make a gift of just $25 to help us reach our goal. Will you help to spread the word? If each of our donors shares this message with just one other person, we will surely reach our goal in no time!
Thank you for your ongoing support. Issue 1 is becoming a reality because of you!
The Paperbark Staff
WOW! We are so ecstatic to already be well over 50% of the way to our goal!
There are only a few days left in 2017 and as a reminder all donations are tax deductible. Please keep sharing our campaign! We truly appreciate your support.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!